I wanted to see how much water is needed in irrigated corn farming by drip irrigation every year?
Soil properties determine the time and rate of irrigation water use. Corn should be irrigated when more than 50% of the water is not drained. Irrigation shallow enough to fill the soil reservoir up to the surface of the farm's capacity. The optimum irrigation and maximum potential yield of maize varies depending on the type of soil, rainfall and seasonal temperatures. Generally, in dirt-to-medium soils, at least once a week and in coarse soils, drip irrigation is performed at least twice a week.
Hello, I was asking if the twist fittings could be used for rainwater irrigation networks?
Due to the nature of the threaded joints and the risk of bending, the use of thread joints for sprinkler irrigation systems is not recommended. However, the use of these fittings for drip irrigation systems is permitted provided the fittings are standardized.
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